Opick Full ALbum Download

Aunur Rofiq Lil Firdaus or better known as Opick (born in Jember, East Java, March 16, 1974, age 37 years) was a songwriter and singer of religious ethnic nationality Java Indonesia. His first album was released in 2005 Istighfar. The first month after its release, the album was able to print double platinum with sales of more than 300 thousand copies. In the album, Opick insert song entitled "Tombo Ati" into his solo album. Previously, Opick put that song on the album compilation "Tausiyah Dhikr and Nasyid". Album "Istighfar 'success in the market, to penetrate more than 800 thousand copies and received five platinum awards as well. Because of its activity in the song Islami, has been named as an ambassador Opick Islamic music group Nasyid by the ANN (nasyid institutions archipelago). In 2006 a man who claimed to have sung in a band that brought rock songs were released a second album titled "The Universe Remix" (2006). The...